What We Do
Our departments offer a wide range of services, from economic development to human service programs to transit. We are a comprehensive resource for those in Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun and Orangeburg counties. The Lower Savannah Council of Governments helps develop, write and administer grants; provides research and data for planning and decision-making; offers access to the Aging, Disability & Transportation Resource Center; coordinates the region’s workforce development programs; and promotes tourism through Thoroughbred Country.
Aging - Snapshot of Services
Medicare Counseling
Long-term care planning presentations
Family Caregiver Assistance – small monetary grants
No cost prescriptions for uninsured (Aiken County)
Legal assistance referrals
Long Term Ombudsman
Health Care Advance Directive & living will assistance
Service referrals
SRS Retiree Association Member Assistance REG
Community Development
Preparation of Community Development Grant applications for cities and counties to bring infrastructure to the local area for economic development
Coordination of funding between grant programs to develop local projects
Economic Development
EDA project development, application preparation and project administration for counties, cities and other qualifying entities
Preparation and update of annual Comprehensive Development Strategy (CEDS) which requires local citizen, industry and economic developer input.
Help with regulatory compliance, i.e. Section 504, Fair Housing & environmental reviews
Regional Housing Consortium to assist with affordable housing
Assistance in planning, zoning, land use development & natural hazard mitigation plans
Rural transportation planning – Guideshare program for the federal roadwork network outside of the Augusta Regional Transportation Study (ARTS) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Geographic Information System (GIS) maps & Census data
Customized demographic & marketing reports (public/private clients & local governments)
Tourism - Thoroughbred Country
Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg & Barnwell Counties
Festival and event listings, website, Facebook & Instagram
Visitor guide - individuals, groups and businesses
Representation at consumer travel shows
Public relations work for coverage in magazines, newspapers, blogs, etc.
Mobility Management – matching riders with available transit seats
Best Friend Express in Aiken
Technical assistance for Cross County Connection (Orangeburg & Calhoun Counties)
Transit coordination between public & private transit providers
Workforce Development
LSCOG Workforce Development provides mission critical personnel and support to business and industries throughout the Lower Savannah Region
Operate SC Works Centers
Services to Adults, Dislocated Workers & Youth (16 – 24) for employment & training
Employers - Work experience, job shadowing, apprenticeships, on-the-job (OJT) & incumbent worker (IWT) training and technical assistance
Responsible for the Administration of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding and activities
The Lower Savannah Council of Governments also offers other services to local municipalities, including research, demographic profiles and custom maps. Learn more.