The Lower Savannah Council of Governments (LSCOG) was established in 1967 to promote regionalism and administer area-wide programs. Over 50 years later, we are still working with local governments to accomplish this same goal.
The LSCOG region encompasses the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun and Orangeburg. We work closely with and on behalf of local governments of the 45 municipalities within the region, often collaborating with several at a time to complete projects. We also connect with state and federal entities to secure funding for regional programs and projects.
Each county has county council-appointed representatives on the LSCOG Board of Directors. These representatives are comprised of elected officials (town and city officials, county councilmembers and school board members) as well as public representatives (members from local chambers of commerce and community leaders from businesses and colleges). County representatives are also appointed to the various program committees, such as the Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, the Workforce Development Board and the Aging Advisory Board. Our board and committee members build a united front in the dedication to regionalism.
Our commitment to unity goes outside of our six-county region as well. LSCOG learns from and networks with the other nine regional planning districts in South Carolina. All ten COGs and their board members get together every year to share ideas, project updates and network at the South Carolina Association of Regional Councils annual meeting in November. We even have an ongoing partnership with Catawba Regional COG, Lowcountry COG and Santee-Lynches COG for the administration of the Revolving Loan Fund. LSCOG also connects with regional development organizations across the country at the National Association of Development Organization’s Annual Training Conference.
The COG’s region stretches across 3,945 square miles, and includes more than 300,000 people. However, the COG’s dedication to promote unity bridges the gaps so we can work towards building a better future for all.