Working together to advance our region.
Serving Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, and Orangeburg Counties
It is the mission of the Lower Savannah Council of Governments to work with and on behalf of local governments to develop, implement and administer plans, programs and projects in cooperation with local, state and national stakeholders, to improve the quality of life for residents in the Lower Savannah Region. Read about our vision and values.
The Lower Savannah Council of Governments collaborates with cities, towns and counties in the region to improve our community. Together, we can build a stronger South Carolina, one positioned for the future.
We see a bright future for the Lower Savannah Region, and continuously work to achieve this vision. Every day, our employees, Board of Directors and partners strive to fulfill our organization’s mission and improve the region.
The Council of Governments actively seeks opportunities to improve the lives of our citizens through grants and public/private partnerships. We are a resource for local officials, and stand ready to help.
“Your kindness went far beyond what is required of you. I really appreciate you.”
“Thank you for the excellent work you and the staff of LSCOG do to assist Denmark. Much of the infrastructure we have would not be possible without your assistance. We appreciate your guidance and diligent attention to the CDBG application process. The advice and recommendations from you and the LSCOG staff has proven invaluable.”