LSCOG proposed TIP changes

The Lower Savannah Council of Government’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is providing a 21-day notice of the following proposed Amendments to the LSCOG’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for Orangeburg County.

The addition of Joe Jeffords Highway from US 178 to US 301 as a funded project in the TIP.  The $10,484,000 project cost breakdown is as follows: PE - $1,250,000; ROW - $500,000; Construction - $8,735,000.

The project phases are as follows: Preliminary Engineering – FY 2020; Right of Way Acquisition – FY 2022; Construction – FY 2024.

The following projects will be removed from the TIP and placed back into the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) as unfunded projects:

·         SC 33 (Russell Street) from US 178 (Chestnut Street) to S-470 (Old Ellorree Road)

·         US 301 (Five Chop Road) from Woodbine Drive to US 21 BP/US 178 BP (Joe Jeffords Highway) Segment I

·         US 301 (John C. Calhoun Drive) from US 601 (Magnolia Street) to US 301 (Five Chop Road) Segment II

·         US 178 (Charleston Highway) from US 21 BP/US 178 BP (Joe Jeffords Highway) to US 601 (Magnolia Street)

·         US 21 Freedom Road: 1) from US 78 (Dorange Road) to S-353 (Orange Street); 2) from S-353 (Orange Street to SC 210 (Bowman Branch Highway); 3) From US 78 (Dorange Road) to US 78 (Edwards Street); 4) US 78 (Edwards Street) from Barton Street to US 78 (Freedom Road)

·         SC 210 @ S-80, Intersection Improvement

Please forward any questions or concerns to Dr. William Molnar at